Department Student Advisor

Meet Hadley Hilner


Hometown: Traverse city, MI
Majors: English and Psychology
Minor: Art History
Concentration: Critical Theory
Study Abroad: Rome, Italy
Best Adjective to Describe you: Attentive

Hadley Hilner

Nominated by departments or programs, Department Student Advisors (DSAs) know firsthand what it’s like to be a Critical Theory concentrator. Hadley is available via e-mail and at special campus events to answer your questions. DSAs do not replace academic advisors or faculty, but serve as an additional resource at K.

More about Hadley

In 20 words or less, what is the best thing about being part of this department?
Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who are willing to challenge their thinking.

What is your advice to first years and sophomores about getting connected to this department?
Your professors are more than willing to help you succeed and are solely there to aid your academic experience; go to office hours and get to know your professors!

What is the most valuable thing you’ve learned at K?
The most valuable thing I have learned at K is how to balance getting my work done and having time for my non-academic related interests.

What has been your favorite class at K? Why?
My sophomore seminar, Global Shakespeares with Dr. Smith, was my favorite class I have taken at K. The course allowed for so much indulgent thinking about well-known literature. The structure gave opportunity to each student to voice their unique opinions, which led to enlightening discussions and new ideas.

How have you taken advantage of the open curriculum or experienced breadth in your education?
I have been able to take classes that I would have never imagined would interest me, allowing me to then narrow my wide interests into broad fields and continue taking interesting courses.

What experiential education opportunities have you participated in?
I have had the opportunity to be a teaching assistant for the Reading the World English Gardens course, in which I was able to expand my knowledge of the course beyond student-level and make community relations with gardeners in the Kalamazoo area.

What are your career aspirations/next steps after K?
I would like to build a communal-living style organization to facilitate reliance on others for goods and services on a personal level, rather than corporate. I plan to begin working specifically with food sovereignty and providing sustainability for myself and others.

What is a random fun fact about you?
I have never seen a Marvel movie.